I have decided on what project I want to work on for 2020, and I am starting this project now. I have the base framework completed for the plan, and I will be sharing every bit of the project to my art supporters throughout the year until I finish it Next year, November.
Art Supporters through Patreon, Ko-fi(discord), or Paypal(discord) will be able to keep up on this project's progress, download the artwork before their reveal in November as they are completed. I'm planning on putting out one of these pieces about once a month. Some Thumbnail sketches have already been completed for the project and are posted up.
If this goes well, I will be continuing to make other Themed projects in the future each year after this. My plan is to create Artwork worthy enough to be in a Calendar by next year sold most likely through DeviantArt as well as other prints of it that I will be selling through Redbubble.