Open Multi-slot YCHs
YCHs (Your Character Here) are commissions with predetermined poses. You can purchase the slot for the artist to insert your character into the artwork. Body types and poses can be adjusted to suit your character or desired edits. Please scroll down to view all available multi-slot YCHs.
My Terms of Service apply to YCH Commissions.
Paypal payments are accepted.

Reference Sheet $150
Flat colored Reference Sheet with 3 poses.
Any Species that Fits the Bodytype Depicted
Feline, Canine, Reptile, Rabbit, etc
Wings are +$30 and will have a front/back ref
Have Visual Image of your OC. Even if it is a stick figure. I will not work with text only.

Chibi Icon $20
Adorable Chibi styled icon of your character. You will be given a 200x200pixel png and a 100x100 gif version.
Any Species
Have Visual reference Image of your OC
Unlimited Slots

Bundle $25
Flat Colored adorable Chibi ball of a character of your choice
No Humans
Have Visual reference Image of your OC
Unlimited Slots

Falling $40
Soft Shaded chibi of your OC in a falling pose. Pose can be adjusted to suit any particular situation.
Any Species
Have Visual reference Image of your OC
Unlimited Slots

Running Pixel $40
Pixel art Icon of your OC running. 100x100px canvas unless the commissioner requests otherwise.
Any Quadruped Species
Have Visual reference Image of your OC
Unlimited Slots

Jiggle icon $80 CLOSED
Animated icon of your long eared OC swaying about all adorably. Icon comes as 100x100px size.
Any OC with long ears/Antenna (cat, rabbit, fox, etc)
Wings are OKAY feathered and dragon
Have Visual reference Image of your OC

Flying icon $80
Animated icon of your Dragon OC flying through the Sky. Icon comes as 100x100px size and 200x200px.
Dragon OCs with Wings
Wings are OKAY feathered and dragon
Have Visual reference Image of your OC

Pounce $80
Full colored and shaded digital piece of your animal or monster OC.
Any animal, creature, or monster OC (feline, avian, dragon, canine, rodent, etc)
Will have "Monster paws" in final product.
Can have wings

Emote Pack $75
Full colored and shaded digital piece of your animal or monster OC.
Any Species
- Flat Colored