Gender: Female
Species: Cat (Dragon)
Birthday: December 21
Hieght: -
Weight: -
Bodytype: Feral
Personality: Spunky, Jolly
Ratings Allowed: Sfw, Gore
LIKES: to be added
DISLIKES: to be added
Abilities/Powers: She can Transform into a dragon. She is not limited to one dragon form, and can be any breed of dragon. She retains her most basic traits, though. above on the right is one of her many Dragon Forms.
Bio: Dragon is a spunky cat who likes to go out and do things as she pleases. She is always in a good mood even in the worst of situations. She probably uses her ability to shape shift more often than she should for such menial tasks. She travels together with Corvex and Tapix on adventures together. Her fighting style is to go dragon and start stomping things just because she can. Dragon is a Neutral character with an adventurous heart.
Dragon sometimes meets with Rone on occasions.