Art Trade Guidelines and TOS
Section 1. Wills and Won’ts
I, the artist who goes by the pen name Uluri, will be listing subjects and themes that I am both comfortable and uncomfortable with drawing for an art trade. You are free to ask about things not specifically listed. If you try to push me to draw content in my “Will Not” list, you will be unable to receive art from me in the future of any kind.
Sections 2. Trade Rules (I refers to Uluri)
I will trade with anyone. I don’t care if you just started drawing or have been drawing for years now. Use my character as practice even. It’s all good.
Draw how YOU feel most comfortable
Artistic Freedom unless otherwise specified. I don’t mind if you only give me a sketch in return. I simply want to draw.
I Will Accept any type of art in exchange, digital, traditional, music, literature, etc
SIGN YOUR ARTWORK! I want to see your username on that art somewhere.
Section 3. Use of Art Rules
Feel free to use, post, or edit my artwork (for non-monetary gain) that I give you through this trade anywhere you like as long as you keep my signature on it and credit my work. My General TOS Section 3 applies to use of Art for more information.
In exchange I very much expect the same treatment for me posting, using, editing your artwork made for me. I would like to be able to post and use art that was made for me as well. Credit and Linking to your art profile will be done for you as well.
Will Draw
Themes that I Will Draw for commission include any multitude of General, PG-13 to some *Mature Rated content. This includes but is not limited to:
Any Species (Human, Kemonimimi, Kemono, Furry, Animals, Monster, Mythical, etc)
Any Gender
Any Body Type (As long as it is not Hyper)
Babyfur, Kidfur, Loli, and Shota characters
Gore (extreme)
Size Difference
Snuff (maybe)
Vore (Hard)
Possibly 18+ content
Won't Draw
Themes that I will NOT Draw for commission includes:
Abdl (Adult Baby/Diaper Lover)
Anal Anything
Horses (for personal Reasons. Other hooved animals are fine.)
Hyper Anything
Tickle Fetish
Vore (Inner Maw Shots)
Vore (Soft)
Vore (Genital)