Important News for anyone who uses POINTS to commission me through DeviantArt! DA has made it so that regular Deviants Will no longer be able to withdraw their earnings when using the commissions widget confirmed by this reply here:
Their News Announcement: LINK TO JOURNAL
This means that I will No Longer be accepting Point Commissions from here on out. In fact, I will not be conducting ANY commissions through DeviantArt services like the Widget. All commissions payment is now only available through Paypal directly. I use the invoice service of Paypal for my commissions. My WEbsite now reflects that I only take commissions via Paypal. I have removed and updated all part that indicated that I take DA points.
I am really sorry to the people who commissioned me with Points through the widget, but I cannot accept them anymore due to this update. You all have supported me for the years, but I have no means to use points as they are now.
If you are interested in commissioning me, you can send me a filled form through my website when my commissions are announced to be open: LINK to Uluri's Website I will email you in return to further discuss the commission you are interested in. Your Commission files will also be sent to you via email in their original size when completed. (I shrink what I post to my art sites for security purposes).
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