I'm really enjoying being a dragon even though its been only a few days. I've been so happy about it I have even been dreaming about it, which dreaming about being Uluri is a very rare thing for me. XD Talking about makes me feel super weird, though, being excited over a character in this way. I can't describe it.

Feathered Uluri I am also incredibly happy with, too. Like I mentioned in the last update, I updated my Ref Page for Uluri. I am so happy about these designs, that I decided to make sure they are up at the front of my ref sheet pool for them.
Anyways, I just want to go on about my happiness. I'm super happy right now. (ADDED NEWS I'm going to start posting my art)
List of art I want now
New Profile ARt with Either Dragon or Feather Ulu.
Dragon Uluri invites Munch "Do you want to play Kaiju?" Next panel is them with :3 face all rwar over a city. Next panel Munch is shooting hyper beams and Uluri is tail smashing over building blocks and toy cars.
Dragon Uluri with Zozo. Hugs
Dragon Uluri letting Zozo ride on back. (don't need to fly, just ride)
Dragon Ulu in a tree.
At least 3 different derp chibis.
I want art with Tetsurou and me now. I want to be so derpy!
I want to eat something.
Seasonal Artwork SUPER drawn. Like really super. So, at least 4 super drawn art for Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. (I'll def be doing this myself)
Dragon Ulu tries to hide under Efret's cloths (while on him). too big now, and butt end sticking out.
Make video testing voice with Ulu. Maybe pick a story.
group pic with some people
animation, Ulu being squished into different form (TF)