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  • Writer's pictureUluri

GORE Gif: Strangled

But more like Stabbed to death. Sin: *falls off stool* Wait? WHat? WHAT!? Nooo! That's now how- I have horns! An unsatisfied demon, and a guy who got dead the wrong way.

When I was drawing this in stream the other day, I forgot to ask how tall the other guy was, so I had to improvise when I found out. SIn's really flippin short compared to a lot of you guys's OCs. It's really funny. ( He's 5ft 2in ) I decided to post the sketchy sketch version, because it seems I'm not going to finish this sketch for a while. If I do finish the sketch, would you rather me re-upload the newest version when I do? (Might be the best since it may be months if I decide to finish it.)

Sin © Uluri

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