XD Discovered while trying to spoil them after Baby got fixed. We have two kitties and decided that we would spoil them during the one's recovery and we found it. We found the cat food that they're chasing me around the house for.
It's Sheba. Both Baby and Cabbage absolutely love this Sheba cat food so much. On the Amazon Wishlist it goes.

This morning, now that Baby has healed up a good bunch, I was being chased around the house all morning when I grabbed one out for some breakfast. Imagine it, being chased down by a blue coned cat wibbling about the house, then getting attacked from the side by the other one while you were concentrating on the cone cat pouncing you.
This is the first cat food both of them liked. Usually one or the other won't finish them all the way or will only lick the sauce.
extra: Yup, we flipped the cone for the picture. She looked so cute and dumb at that time. Got it properly on her the rest of her recovery. No worries!