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Covid: Lots of awful stuff Happening

Writer: UluriUluri

I don't have it, as I am very damn susceptible to this virus and been taking precautions as much as possible, but I live in a very anti-vax / anti-mask area. Half of my family is Anti, and can you tell who has covid? All of them. ALL. oF. tHEM.

The local school board are absolute imbeciles, too. A huge amount of people in school have covid right now AND they are still doing in person. Entire classrooms are quarantined. They were doing sports practices like (American) football and cheerleading. Masks not mandatory either. Not even a week open and cases all over the place.

Back to my family. Guys, Covid can be really bad. It might not effect you in a deadly or life altering way, but it can effect quite a lot of people in that sort of way. The Anti side of my family also happens to be some of the most vulnerable. They aren't vaccinated because they think it's just the flu. The one who especially thinks so called me the other day informing about him having covid.

He sounded like a grinder while also being choked. He could barely talk. He told me he could barely even move. He told me he was sweating so much he is dehydrated. He sounds like he can die at any moment. He is refusing to get help still insisting it's just like the flu. It's not. He might die because of this crazy stubbornness. Even if I've told him countless times before. Even now that I've told him he needs help right now. Whether he lives or dies right now, he will have some pretty shitty lasting side effects for sure. How messed up that their thought process to being in such a state is to say "I'm fine. Covid is just a flu." After saying all that.

If you are able to get vaccinated, I urge you to do so. Drink high electrolyte drinks the day and day after vaccination to help ease the symptoms. Pedialyte is found in the baby section of some stores and CVSs. If you are or aren't vaccinated, please take precautions with distancing, wearing masks, and being generally respectful of others and not going to big ass gatherings. If you need to be tested, you can schedule an appointment through CVS for free with or without Insurence.

Half my family has covid right now. Some of them are in incredibly bad state. I know people who have died from covid already earlier in 2020 before the vaccine was even available. I have other family and friends who are autoimmune and can't take the vaccine and need to stay home to be safe as possible. It shouldn't take someone you personally know dying to try to keep them or yourself safe. Try to keep them and yourself safe and healthy BEFORE you find out how badly this virus will react to your body.

[Ranting begins]

Don't be like my stupid ass family. Or stupid ass community. You are seriously putting yourself and others in danger if you aren't trying to do anything at all.

Bullshit this is like the flu. Get that shit nonsense out of your fucking head. It's Covid. I tried so fucking hard to keep myself and family safe, but they actively tried to do the opposite for me. It has been a disgusting nearly two years of family constantly trying to get me to not wear masks, go to parties/outings, and go to fucking stores that are anti-mask even after I told them about my stupid ass health constitution. Imagine, you tell your parents that your health is in a state that a virus that's spreading across the world can kill you if you catch it and they go "Don't believe the fucking government. I have better research I found on YouTube. It won't kill you. It's just the flu. You have to Live your life." Yeah? For a week you mean? Before I stop breathing because my lungs are shit? I already drop to the floor if I hop five times. I have to go to the doctor at least twice a year because I get infections all the time. This makes me want to cry.

My family is so batshit fucking crazy. I grew up in a hoarder end world prepper environment. I can tell you a monolith of insanities I have grown up in. Fingers that were sliced, then stitched on by family and not doctors because "doctors want to kill you" or "I don't want to give the government my information" (same with internet/phones and wearing a hat so satellites can't see you). Being fed things I can't eat because "Why don't you like it? You'll need to eat it if an apocalypse happens and you have to live in the wilderness" as I'm uncontrollably vomiting because I can't eat it. I can't eat this food because it will harm me. "Don't buy that. We don't need it" as I ate only PB&J, spam, and beans for years of my life having tasted new things for the first time only after I could move out. "Carry hand sanitizer everywhere" as he was afraid of an illness that would break out that would kill everyone almost religiously and yet has vehemently denied covid at all today. What the actual fuck. What the actual fucking hell.



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