Gender: Neutral / Fluid
Species: Slime
Birthday: July 5
Hieght: Varies Upon Form. Please view Specific Ref sheet for more information.
Weight: Varies Upon Form. Please view Specific Ref sheet for more information.
Bodytype: Varies Upon Form. Please view Specific Ref sheet for more information.
Personality: Varies Upon Form
Feral/Dragon: Excitable, derpy, exaggerates
Beast: lethargic, cranky, unaware
Human: Cheeky, Sass, Similar to Feral
Anthro Sm: Fanciful
Anthro Lrg: Calm, Caring, Casual
NSFW info: https://ulurifox.wixsite.com/uluri/characternsfw/uluri
Ratings Allowed: Sfw, Gore, maybe nsfw
Nsfw Ref: https://ulurifox.wixsite.com/uluri/characternsfw/uluri
LIKES: Honey, other sweet Syrup-like things, Pumpkins, Pizza, Cloud gazing, art, potatoes, fall, spring, sleeping outside, PUMPKIN, Orange & Yellow, Early Sunny Mornings with Dew, Butterfingers, Teeth, Xylophone, Citrine crystal, Amethyst, Azurite
DISLIKES: Fish (Food. alergic sadly), Super cold,
IMPORTANT: The Green Fluff is NOT neck fluff but JACKET fluff. It grows down the body and arms in a jacket pattern!
IMPORTANT: Dragon, Feather, and Human forms preferred.
Abilities/Powers: Lightning Sparks, Transformation, Slime Storage
Bio: Uluri likes to climb trees and Jump out of them, and likes to joke around. If ever gets mad, puffs up all of their fluff and can discharge sparks. Uluri is a Mimicry Slime that can take on the forms of living creatures, and has the ability to store things inside their body. The amount is unknown, but this is where it is assumed that Lightning magic is also stored. Uluri's forms have varying proficiency with casting Lightning as Uluri does not inherently have lightning magic, but needs to store a source of it to cast.